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Why Faith is a Marathon

We were talking yesterday at the CoWorking Center about faith. How faith is like a marathon. Sometimes things are great because your relationship with God is incredible, and sometimes it’s shaky because things are happening that you don’t understand. But it’s a marathon. You keep putting one foot in front of the other even when you don’t understand because you have faith that He is who He was when things were good.

And I admitted that I’ve been mad for a while. Still pursuing my relationship with God, still doing what i know to be right, but mad because I don’t understand how any of this can be good. Mad because it’s painful to think that this could be part of a Master plan.

But that’s the thing with someone you love. Even when you’re mad at them, and you haven’t talked to them for long periods of time, the relief at being with them again even when you don’t understand why they are doing something is overwhelming. I remember coming back to do worship after a significant time away from worship last year. And if felt good to talk to God again, because even for as mad as I was, I love Him.

Deep down I know He has good for me. I just need to stay the course and finish this marathon despite how I feel some days.