My adopted brother asked me if I ever get scared of being broken again. He came to us as a foster and my mom adopted him and some of his siblings a few years ago. He’s been broken. My throat kind of constricted. And I said, “Like I was last year? I’ve been broken a few times. Last year was another. But I know by now that being broken isn’t the end. It’s the BEGINNING. But if my life has shown you anything, it’s that we all get broken no matter how hard we try to make everything perfect and make the right decisions. That’s inevitable. There’s no way to avoid it. Every one, even me, will let you down at some point. But being stronger inside and willing to let yourself lie down for a few before you pick yourselves back up is what counts.” He asked…is it worth it? A year and a half into losing my joy and I had a hard time answering right away. But I finally said “Twenty years ahead of you …yes. It’s worth it. There’s people you can go see and talk to that spent years learning how to show you how to be less broken. It always gets better. It always turns around. The real trick is finding the people and resources who can help you find a new normal. I’m your circle. We are your family. I promise we will get you through anything.”